
How YOU Can Help My Journey!

Dear readers,
Thank you all for you continuing support, and especially to those who have thus far provided food, shelter, and various other means throughout this journey. This trip would absolutely not be possible without your love and support.  Though my efforts are neither for fundraiser nor for personal profit, I rely primarily on the kindness of others, and the faith that everything I need I will always find in one way or another. I seek to live as minimally as possible while traveling, and in life in general. However, the infinite graciousness of others has kept me moving forward, day by day. Any help along the way is monumentally appreciated, as food and shelter are of the utmost uncertainty on this trip.

If you would like to make a small contribution for food, shelter, and other necessities, you may do so by clicking below:

Specify your own amount as a gift, and help me get one day and one city further! As always, anything helps and is so very much appreciated!

These are a few things that I really need to get back on the road in the approaching rainy season:

If you'd like to send a letter of support, please contact me for location specifics for general delivery. Thank you all so much!
Love, Shay